
Thinking & Acting with Scenarios (TAS)

learning event
                    scenario thinking


Learning Event

During this highly interactive four day learning event participants familiarise themselves with the basic techniques of Scenario-Thinking and -Building. The participants work mostly in small groups, practising in a simulation of a scenario project. Developing a Business Model for the organisation enables testing this model in the scenarios for robustness.

Programme results:

  • Gain hands-on experience in scenario building
  • Acquire the basic Scenario methodology and techniques
  • Learn to see the impact of "structure" and question assumptions (systems thinking)
  • Challenge the "official future" of your organisation
  • Develop Business Modelling skills
  • Learn to use scenarios for "wind tunnelling" generating and testing strategic options
  • Develop a framework for the scenario building process of your own organisation
4 consecutive days, 09h:00 -17h:00

Senior executives, strategy support staff, line managers and internal change agents

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