
Systems Thinking

For sustainable leadership and transformation

Looking at the world from a systemic point of view helps uncover causal relationships that are often hidden from view. This worldview increases leadership effectiveness and learning. It provides a more natural sustainable way of dealing with the world. Faced with a problematic event we often look for the "part" that does not work. Systems Thinking encourages looking at the whole not just the parts. It assists in making assumptions visible and enables uncovering the underlying influence and structure of a problem, avoiding symptom treatment.

Applying systems thinking enables leadership to better understand and influence the systems in which they operate and which they may wish to restructure. Ultimately the identification of key leverage areas leads to more effective and sustainable leadership and change strategies.

The Systems Thinking techniques that you will learn about have been developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - (MIT). CIL has integrated additional insights from corporate and social environments to further complement the learning. Over the years CIL principals have taught Systems thinking at many companies and business schools. We not only equip the participants with the skills to practice Systems Thinking themselves, we can also equip internal line managers and change agents through our train the trainer process to transfer the techniques to others in your organisation.

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