
Organisation Renewal Capability Assessment

This learning tool will help you assess what your capability is in successfully leading and managing organisation renewal.

Please supply your personal details (* = required):
* First Name:
* Last Name:
* E-mail Address:
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* Gender:
* Age Bracket:
* Role in Organisation:

Complete this questionnaire by reading the statement and scoring your level of agreement with the statement. Focus on the current reality, in the organisation and amongst leadership, about transformation issues. Check the appropriate box / score. Identify where your efforts need reinforcing.
Note on source: After John Kotter: "Why change efforts don't produce change" with CIL scoring and interpretation of scores.

Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly
01)    Leadership has a strong sense of urgency about the need to renew and prepare the organisation for emerging realities in the contextual environment
02)    Leadership sees a clear connection between market and competitive realities and the urgency to change
03)    We have identified and have had in-depth conversations about the risks and opportunities we face
04)    The leadership that together have the power to act and implement changes are aligned with each other
05)    We have identified and assembled the leadership who are essential to leading the changes required
06)    The leadership, critical to changes, are willing and able to work together on those changes
07)    Leadership has created a clear and compelling Vision (Desired Results) of the changes that must occur
08)    Strategies are developed and in place that will achieve those Desired Results
09)    Vision (Desired Results) and Strategies effectively communicated, specifically the "why" of the changes
10)    All the communication vehicles are used to deliver the message about Vision (Desired Results) and Strategies
11)    New behaviours are modelled by the core leadership group in the organisation
12)    The leadership are empowered to act out the Vision (Desired Results)
13)    All "structural" obstacles to effective change in the system are removed, starting with the highest leverage areas. The leadership see the organisation as a system
14)    Systems, key processes and structure that undermine the Vision are themselves being changed
15)    Risk-taking and non-traditional ideas, activities and actions are encouraged
16)    Short-term wins are planned to demonstrate early positive results
17)    Visible performance improvements are planned, and specific indicators identified
18)    Rapidly harvesting improvements is a high priority
19)    Appropriate rewards and recognition processes reward leadership and other employees for positive results they create which move the organisation toward the vision
20)    Leadership consolidates improvements and produce still more change
21)    Increasing credibility is used to further change systems, key processes and structure that does not fit in the vision
22)    Employees and leadership who can implement the vision are hired, developed, and promoted. Capacity building is a high priority
23)    The process is continually reinvigorated by introduction of new projects, themes and change agents
24)    The new approaches, systems and structure are institutionalised to ensure continuity
25)    Succession and Leadership Development are reinforcing behaviours that ensure corporate success

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