
Scenario Building Programme

    scenario thinking

Scenario Thinking/Consulting

Building scenarios for your own organisation is a learning process that will challenge the way the organisation thinks about and plans for the future. Assisted by CIL an internal scenario workgroup will build 3-4 organisation-specific scenarios. During this process CIL transfers the scenario building skills to the group, empowering them to up-date and build scenarios in the future.

Programme results:

  • Build a set of organisation-specific scenarios, which form the basis for strategy development
  • Analysing risks inherent in the Strategy or Business Model. Developing options
  • Transferring Scenario-Thinking skills and - Building techniques
  • Intensive personal learning for internal scenario teams, to start embedding scenario thinking organisation-wide

Workshops with the scenario workgroup for a period of months, 2 consecutive days per workshop

This program is typically used by executives, planning staff, and people involved in strategy development

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